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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. StewMakesBrew

    Ball Lock Corny Kegs - nice ones, clean, new rings, ready!

    Hi All - first these are in Buffalo Grove IL and I will not ship them due to cost of packaging, etc. So, if you're local to this area, these are good. I have four ball-lock Corny kegs to sell - purchased all four from a guy who was ending the hobby due to health reasons and was just dumping...
  2. StewMakesBrew

    Flat, fresh and delicious!

    Ok, get your minds out of the gutter, I'm not talking about that. But one of my favorite things is when I'm packaging a beer and of course I'm tasting it as it's coming out of the fermenter and it's straight up delicious - it's flat, it's room temp and it's "young" and "green" out of the...
  3. StewMakesBrew

    Troubleshooting a metallic taste

    So, took my latest batch to hit the kegerator - an ale-style pilsner that I've made before - to my LHBS (Perfect Brewing Supply, Libertyville, IL - awesome guys there- shout out!) to have them taste it and they picked up a metallic flavor that I was trying to tell myself wasn't there in that...
  4. StewMakesBrew

    2 weeks Kettle to Keg to Drinking - Anyone ever try this? I did!

    Hi All: So I have read on this place and others that you can theoretically go from Brew Day (kettle) to keg and drinking in just two weeks. Given that a) I was almost out of beer in my kegerator and b) had a simple Pilsner ale planned for my next batch, I gave it a shot. Here's the results...
  5. StewMakesBrew

    Your best advice for a beginning brewer

    So, i'm NOT a beginning brewer - been doing this for nearly 20 years, and about at batch 125 now. That said, I have several friends that have gotten into this recently and I continually get people who have just started asking me for "well, what advice would you give me?" So therefore, my...
  6. StewMakesBrew

    Foamy first pour from kegerator

    So, not sure this is anything other than "yeah, first pour" but thought I'd bring to the group. So, been kegging my beer now since Christmas. I have a home-built kegerator that's a very snug fit for two cornies. The beer lines on the inside are 1/4" ID, just over 4 feet long. My tower is...
  7. StewMakesBrew

    Keg Filling Easy Procedure

    A friend of mine that I'm mentoring in the fine art of brewing is new to kegging his beer, and asked me for the procedure to keg a batch. He said "Wow, this is so simple and easy to understand, you should post on Homebrewtalk or something. So ... here you go. How to keg a 5 gallon batch...
  8. StewMakesBrew

    "Cellaring" kegged beer - carbed or not carbed?

    Hi All: I've been brewing for decades but only kegging for a few months, and therefore have always known the value of cellaring a bottled beer for long periods - they get mellower, easier to drink, etc. provided they are stored correctly (darkness, moderate temps neither too hot or cold...
  9. StewMakesBrew

    Squirrel in my mash tun

    No, not the title of a hillbilly bluegrass song about home brewing, but an actual event last Friday. I brewed on Friday but had some things to do around midday, so I started early, did the mash, ran the batch sparge and got my kettle full of wonderful beer-to-be by about 10:00 AM. Put the...
  10. StewMakesBrew

    The inevitable brewday screwup. What's been yours?

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I can honestly say that in 100+ batches of home brew over the years since 1999 when I started this hobby, I don't think I've ever had a brew day where I haven't messed something up. Usually the screwup is nothing that affects the finished beer, but they...
  11. StewMakesBrew

    Keg cleaning frequency - how often for a full breakdown?

    So, new to the corny kegging world after nearly 20 years of brewing (yes, say it now, "why the hell did you wait so long?") and just emptied my first keg. Since I had beer ready to go right back into and it was also a brand new keg and this was its first use, I didn't do a full disassembly to...
  12. StewMakesBrew

    Minikeg to Corny keg beer transfer - your thoughts please

    So, I recently constructed a kegerator after being a home brewer since 1999 (yeah, I know, what the hell was I waiting for?). I have been packaging my beer in 5L minikegs for a number of years and dispensing them with an Edgestar countertop kegerator. It worked OK, but wanted to finally make...
  13. StewMakesBrew

    Your all time fave recipe - what is it?

    Ok, after years of brewing, we've all developed that ONE recipe that's always the favorite - you nail it every time you make it, you love drinking it, you're bummed when you're out of it. What's yours? Mine is a punched-up version of Anchor Steam Beer - a classic California Common but with...
  14. StewMakesBrew

    Marking brew kettle with volume marks

    Has anyone tried marking a stainless brewing kettle (I have one of the mid-range ones from William's Brewing that's a 40-quart kettle) with volume markings? If so, how would you do it?
  15. StewMakesBrew

    Strike/sparge/boil/fermenter volume targets - the Struggle is REAL!

    So, switched to all-grain brewing a year and a half ago after (sad to say) 17 years of partial-mash/extract brewing. Only reason I didn't do it was just fear. Stupid as f... But hey, I'm over it, it's way easier than I thought. The results are fantastic - have brought my beer into multiple...
  16. StewMakesBrew

    5L MiniKeg - Ball Lock Tap?

    Hi All - after 20 years of brewing and about 125 batches, I'm finally converting over to REAL kegging - 5 gallon Corny-style ball lock kegs - I found a kegerator on Craigslist that I converted to a two-tap tower. That said, the reason I said "REAL" above is that for 10 years and 50 or more...
  17. StewMakesBrew

    Biggest Home Brewing Oops

    I'm getting a kick out of reading the thread on "how many batches have you dumped and why" (My answer was 1 but "dump" equalled spraying it on the lawn - I hated it, the lawn loved it), and got to thinking back on some of my homebrewing humorous mishaps. The one that I still laugh about was...
  18. StewMakesBrew

    17 year Brewer from Chicago Suburbs

    Hi All: A brewer for 17 years, plus a baker, amateur chef, barbecue maven and now cheesemaker. Just recently started all-grain brewing after 17 years of thinking it might be too difficult (boy was I wrong. Time consuming, yes, difficult, NO!) and enjoying a resurgence in my passion for...