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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Jiffster

    Hydrometer Reading - Question

    How would you read this? 1.003?
  2. Jiffster

    Anybody Use BLC for Cleaning Corny Keg?

    I ran out of Oxy and used BLC to clean a keg. Actually, it's in process (soaking) as I type. Has anybody else done this?
  3. Jiffster

    Relatively New (2 years) AG Brewer Considering Using Tap vs RO Water

    I’ve been brewing all grain using RO water and following AJ delange’s “A Brewing Water Chemistry Primer” guidelines with good success. I have been attempting to up my game by dabbling into measuring mash pH and adjusting accordingly. I say dabbling because shortly after starting to learn this...
  4. Jiffster

    2L Starter - Boiled Down to 1.6 - Oops! OK or Not?

    Making a 2L starter (2L water - 7.1 oz DME) today. I usually boil my starter wort in my 2L flask but this time I boiled it in a pot first. After my boil and cooling I transfered it to my flask and it was 1.6L Can I go ahead and pitch my yeast or.....?
  5. Jiffster

    Making Starter with Older DME?

    I'm doing my first starter in over a year. I'm not sure how old my DME is. Probably about 1.5 years old. Will ths be OK for a starter or should I get some new DME?
  6. Jiffster

    Freezing Bottles Before Bottling From Keg - Sanitize?

    Hey Folks, I'm going to try freezing my bottles before bottling from a keg this time but I'm not sure what the process is for freezing the bottles. Do I sanitize them, let them dry and then freeze them? Thanks
  7. Jiffster

    Mash Water Volume - Do You Round Off?

    Curious if anyone rounds off your mash water volume? For example, recipe states to dough in with 3.70 gallons of water. Do you convert the .70 to ounces and dough in as exact as possible or round up/down?
  8. Jiffster

    Pitt Barrel Cooker (or similar) - Advice For Same Night Clean Up - Hot Coals

    Having great success on my new Pitt Barrel Cooker. Looking for some advice regarding what to do after the cooking is done and I want to put the unit away without waiting until next day. The coals in this could easily burn for 6-8 hours (or more). When I took the charcoal tray out to let the...
  9. Jiffster

    Seeking Advice on Which Smoker to Get - Newby

    Hey Folks, I really want to get into smoking but I know I will want something that I don't have to babysit a lot, something that gets great results and doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I have been considering an electric, and I know they can produce some yummy food, but I'm concerned with some of...
  10. Jiffster

    Drinking 1 Year Old - Moderate ABV Beer?

    Anybody do this? I have some that's been in my kegerator for a year+.
  11. Jiffster

    Zymit Enzymatic Cleaner - Dilute w/ Tap Water?

    Not sure if I should be diluting with tap or distilled water when cleaning pH meter (Hach Pocket Pro+)
  12. Jiffster

    Multi Body (3-4) Regulator - Who's using one?

    I'm considering getting one for my 6 keg keezer so I can vary my carbonation levels on different brews. Do you use one and/or do you think it's worth it?
  13. Jiffster

    Mash Temp Drop Question

    I use a 10 gal igloo cooler for my MLT. Usually no drop or very minimal in mash temp. Today I mashed and got my temp to 150F. I checked the pH at 10 min - stirred before checking. I then calculated and (About 5-8 minutes later) added required lactic acid to bring pH to target and...
  14. Jiffster

    Yeast Starter Sanitization Question

    I made a yeast starter that had a very active fermentation and spilled over. It left a gooy, sticky mess around the mouth of the flask. Is this going to be an issue when I go to pitch the yeast?
  15. Jiffster

    RO Water for Belgian Dubbel - Additions?

    I'm brewing this "Christmas in Belgium" and I ma not certain of what additions, if any, I should use for my RO water aside from lactic acid to bring the mash pH in the 5.2-5.4 range. Any advice would be very welcome. I'll be batch sparging - 5 gallon batch...
  16. Jiffster

    Looking for First AG Winter Ale Recipe

    I've been reading a bit about winter ales and I'm planning to brew on next week. I don't really have one to compare to. I did read an article on HBT that was quite good. I guess I would like something malty with flavorful but not overpowering spices. Something that isn't so heavy you only...
  17. Jiffster

    Question - Identifying Burnt Taste In My Porter

    I brewed BierMuncher's Black Pearl Porter recipe for the first time. It is definitely good but there is s slight burnt taste that is not typical of other porters I drink. Can you help me identify what this may be from? I would like to alter the recipe if it is an ingredient adding this character.
  18. Jiffster

    Trouble Getting the "Pour" I Want From My Faucets

    I've got 6 faucets all using 9' of draft line inside my keezer with my CO2 set to 12 psi. Only 1 pours at the rate I really like and some are very slow. One even after shortening the line to 7'. Here is a video I made a while back of one of lines pouring a little slower than I would...
  19. Jiffster

    Water Profile for Watermelon Wheat

    How does this water profile target look for a Watermelon Wheat? This is a 5.5 gallon batch - Batch Sparge Sparge additions will go into kettle. My first batch of this turned out really tasty using RO water, 3% Acid Malt in the grist and 3 grams of Calcium Chloride in 7.5 gallons of water...
  20. Jiffster

    Left Over Beer After Kegging - What To Do?

    I kegged a Porter yesterday and had almost a half gallon left over that wouldn't fit in the keg. I put it in a pitcher and put it in the fridge. Couldn't bring myself to just dump it. (I did drink a pint). What do you'd I with your leftovers?