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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. 303Dan

    Dissolved Oxygen Meter

    Hey Everyone, A few questions to those who have dissolved oxygen meters: 1. Recommendation on a good entry level model? I've been looking at the Extech DO600 and the Milwaukee MW600. Anything else I should be looking at? 2. What does the upkeep/maintenance cost look like on one of these...
  2. 303Dan

    Consistently high attenuation with WY1968

    Anyone else getting significantly higher attenuation with WY1968 than the specified 67-71% per Wyeast on a regular basis? I seem to consistently get 75-80% with this strain on all different beers. Most recently, it took a 1.070 OG IPA all the way down to 1.010 for a whopping 85% AA. That beer...
  3. 303Dan

    Hop pellet deterioration in a purged keg - how much should I worry?

    I wanted to get some opinions on something I'm planning on trying: I'm brewing an IPA next weekend and I'm going to try using the CO2 created during fermentation to purge my keg. I'll be connecting the blowoff from my conical to the liquid out of my keg and then the gas in post of the keg to a...
  4. 303Dan

    First Berliner Weiss!

    I finally decided to brew my first sour beer, a very standard Berliner Weiss. I did a good bit of research on the process and various techniques and decided to use a kettle souring method. I went with a very traditional 50/50 split of Pilsner Malt and Wheat Malt, mashed at 150 and shot for an...
  5. 303Dan

    Massachusetts Visiting Boston in July

    Hey Everybody, I'm visiting Boston this July and I'd like to get a couple of beer-centric things in. I'd love some recommendations and takes on a few things: First off, the place we're renting is in Beacon Hill, so you know where my starting point will be. We're gonna catch a game at...
  6. 303Dan

    What do you consider "Over-Pitching"?

    I've been in the habit for quite a while now of pitching at a rate of 1.25 Million Cells per ml per degree Plato for most styles. For certain styles where I want a significant esther profile, I would not necessarily use that pitch rate. So, for example: for a 6.25 gallon batch at an OG of 1.065...
  7. 303Dan

    Move Linear Flow Valves to Pump Outputs?

    First things first, I run a eHERMS system with 2 pumps. So, during my last brew day, I thought of something: I have Blichmann Boilermaker G2's for my HERMS Tank/Boil Kettle and my Mash Tun. Both of those kettles have Blichmann's Linear Flow Valve on the output, which are pretty cool, but...
  8. 303Dan

    Big Hopstand and Blichmann HopBlocker - Is this a bad idea??

    Hey Everybody, So, I'm going to brew next weekend and I'm doing an IPA with a pretty massive hop bill and large hopstand/whirlpool. My boil kettle is a 15gal Blichmann G2 and I have their HopBlocker installed. This setup is pretty new to me and the only beer I've done on it thus far had...
  9. 303Dan

    The new eHERMS brewery is fully operational!!

    So excited to get brewing on the new system! Last night, I did a number of different tests and simulations, ran auto tune on the PID controller and I am ready to go! First brew day is on Friday. I put together the design based on my intended process as well as trying to best utilize...
  10. 303Dan

    Medals in my first BJCP Comp!

    Hey Everyone, I've been brewing for a while, but never really had the desire to enter any competitions until fairly recently. I entered 3 beers into a local BJCP sanctioned event and was really pleasantly surprised with the results! I ended up getting 1st Place in the American Pale Ale...
  11. 303Dan

    Do I just prefer high carbonation?

    I've been noticing lately that I prefer most of the styles I've been brewing (pales, IPA's, ambers, etc) at about 2.7-2.8 volumes. That seems high to me per style guidelines that I've seen, but I find that while my beers are in the the process of carbing up, I'm disappointed in them, but as soon...
  12. 303Dan

    Advice on using Hop Blocker and whirlpooling through pump

    I'm almost done with my new eherms setup, and I'm thinking about my plan for whirlpooling and chilling. I'm sure I'll just have to try it, but I wanted to see if anyone had experience with what I'm trying to do and could offer any advice or lessons learned. Here is what I'd like to do: I...
  13. 303Dan

    Question for Blichmann Autosparge users

    I just got a Blichmann Autosparge and installed it in my mash tun. I did a quick test run with just water, simulating how I would do a normal fly sparge. I was able to get it to work well, I believe, but I was curious about how people have been using it with a pump. Do you try to get the...
  14. 303Dan

    Starting to dial in the process

    Hey Everybody, Just giddy about my brew day today and wanted to share, because I tried to get my wife psyched up about it and I got a blank stare. Anyway, when I started brewing on my own (I've been brewing with a friend on his rig for years) I was clocking 8 hour brew days. And not...
  15. 303Dan

    Question about Beer Gun or any like device, really

    Hey Everyone, I have sort of a broad question about using a Blichmann BeerGun, or really any type of device that is used for bottling from a keg: A common thread to all these types of devices seems to be that you want to lower the serving pressure way down to push the beer as slowly as...
  16. 303Dan

    Help me find the best way to fix this mess I've created

    Hey Everyone, So, back in late July, a buddy and I brewed a Ginger-Orange Imperial Porter with the intent of having it ready and drinking at it's best some time around Christmas. Brew day went fine, hit my numbers. Fermentation went very well, the beer attenuated from 1.090 to 1.020 pretty...
  17. 303Dan

    Can't get bubbles out of beer line

    Hey Everyone, I'm pretty new to kegging and I'm having some issues with air bubbles in my beer line and foamy pours. Here's my set up and what I've tried so far: Kegco 3 tap kegerator with digital temp control and 3 tap tower Ball lock corny kegs Kegco Primary 2 guage regulator (mounted...
  18. 303Dan

    Question on Ventilation for Indoor Electric Brewing

    Hey Everybody, I'm in the early stages of planning and designing a 30 amp, 240v eHERMS system that I'll operate in my basement. I've done a lot of searching about ventilation, but I've been unable to find much that would apply to the specific question I have given my particular environment...
  19. 303Dan

    Does altitude affect alpha acid isomerization?

    In other words, since at my altitude, boiling point is 203.5 F, do I have to make allowances in hop utilization in my recipes to hit the IBUs I intend? If so, is there a ballpark adjustment per X # of feet elevation or degree of decrease in boil temp? Dan
  20. 303Dan

    Keg Hopping IPA - Advice Wanted

    Hey Everyone, I'm trying to dry hop in a keg for the first time and I was wanting to get some advice from people who have some experience with it. Basically, this beer is a very hop forward, west-coast style IPA. Primarily Citra and Centennial hops, mostly flameout and whirlpool additions...