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  1. P


    I'm looking to make a gruit and want to bitter with Heather and or bog myrtle. Has anyone made such a thing and where do I find heather and bog myrtle and how much should I use and when should I add it to the boil? Thanks!
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    Dirt flavor

    The last few batches I've made have had this distinct dirt/black soil aroma and flavor. I thought the first one might have been some old malt but the second one was all fresh malt. This isn't a flavor I've been able to find in off flavor descriptions. I'm really afraid of making anything new...
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    Keg valves and parts

    I stumbled across a brewery going out of business and was able to pick up some of their 1/6bbl kegs for next to nothing. Problem is they need a rebuild. I watched a video on YouTube about taking the spears apart, which is actually pretty simple, but the main ball valve seal won't come out...
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    Marks II Keg Washer

    I have some 50L kegs, if I take the spear out, do you think the Mark II will have enough gumption to clean it?
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    Testing grain potential gravity

    I'm sure this has been covered a thousand times, but how exactly do you test the potential of your grain for your formulas. I know it's something like a pound of grain in a gallon of water for an hour or something like that. But what temp water? Thanks!
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    Water profile questions

    So I've had some efficiency problems for a couple of years now and I keep chalking it up to water but have been too cheap to go ahead and get a water test done. Found out that our city will email me a weekly water profile.'s what I got from the city, in ppm...
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    Secondary in keg to carb

    Does anyone rack into their kegs early to secondary and carb? Was just wondering if anyone does and if they've had any success and consistency with this process. Cheers!
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    Wyeast 2112 vs 1056

    So as we move towards winter in the northland I usually either have to heat my beer room in my basement for adequate fermentation temps or hold off on brewing. I was wondering about wyeast 2112 though, how much different is it from 1056? The temp range would work great for my basement.
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    Big Mouth Bubbler and PBW

    So I jumped on the bandwagon with these plastic BMB's but have noticed that after I clean them with pbw, there is always a residue left behind. I have never had a problem with this with my glass carboys. Is there something I'm missing here or do the plastics need to be cleaned another way? Cheers
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    Philco for Kegerator

    So I have this old Philco G-925 that I've been using for a Kegerator but I just stash my co2 and the keg with a picnic tap on it in there. I'd like to drill some holes in it so I can put taps on the door and the tank outside. That would also let me have two kegs on tap not just one. Anyone else...
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    "Clear" layer in carboy after cold crash

    So I cold crashed my batch yesterday in prep for kegging. I went to check on it this morning and there is an almost "clear" layer up where the hops were. What am I seeing here? I added some biofine clear before I crashed as I always do, but I've never seen this before. Thoughts?
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    Mash thickness

    Should you figure your mash thickness for your whole tun or just above the false bottom?
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    Kegging Room Temp

    So I have a party coming up that I made a number of kegs for. I don't have room in my fridge to keep them all cold at the same time so I carbed them up at room temp using the kegerator force carb chart as a pressure reference. Now, the place I'm having the party has a walk in fridge and I am...
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    How much gas?

    Will a 20# co2 have enough gas to run out four 5gal kegs at once? Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
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    Best way to get stubborn mold out of bottles

    So I got a bunch of bottles from a friend and found to my dismay that they have mold growing in the bottom. I started scrubbing them with a regular bottle brush and found the mold is pretty stubborn and scrubbing is very time consuming. Anyone know an easier way to get this done, I've got about...
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    Fermentation stalled?

    I'm making a six gallon batch of APA with the following recipe: 10# 2 row 1# Carafoam 1# Crystal 10L 1# Wheat malt 8oz Corn sugar (at boil) 1oz Cascade (60 min) 1oz Centennial (20 min) 1oz Fuggles (5min) 2pk Wyeast 1056 that I made in a 2L starter. Projected OG 1.060, Real OG 1.058 Projected...
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    Force carb bottles

    Can you force carb then bottle?
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    Marzen with no activity...

    I made a batch of Marzen on March all of my numbers and everything looked great. I pitched my yeast and into the fridge it went at 52deg. It has been a couple of days now and I haven't seen any sort of activity at all. I used two smack packs of octoberfest wyeast (no starter, brew...
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    Bottling lagers

    When bottling a lager do you have to carb and condition at the cold temp also or can you do it at room temp?
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    How long can yeast sit in starter?

    Missed my mashing day that swmbo gave me a couple of weeks ago for an oatmeal stout I was planning on making and my yeast has been sitting in the starter ever since. Is it still good or do I need to start over?