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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. W

    Can dry hopping cause overflow?

    I've actually heard from a Pro Brewer that dry hopping can cause overflow even as the fermentation stalls. I don't know the reason, and it'a anecdotal but I believe it is possible. He's had a few explosions so he waits until it's totally done then dry hops.
  2. W

    Competition Software (Registration)!

    Yeh, I'll look at that. My web savvy ends at putting paragraph breaks in html though! So I'm not real confident!!!
  3. W

    will autolyzed beer ever recover?

    I wouldn't necessarily jump to the conclusion that it is autolyzed. However, what do I know, I haven't had your beer! To answer the original question - If it's autolyzed it won't go away.
  4. W

    will bottles at 60 deg ever carbonate?

    they will take longer, but they should carbonate fine. To answer your second question, yeast "work better" for beer at lower temps, meaning that they spew off fewer esters/phenols/fusels etc..., which we generally think is 'better' in terms of taste. However, yeast will always do their work...
  5. W

    Competition in Vancouver, BC!

    Yeh there's a few guys that may roll through town. Ones' in Port Coquitlam which is right next to the town I live in. Pretty close to Van. I am probably entering the cowtown, if I get time to bottle and ship. I'm a bit overwhelmed having bitten this comp off though! (Plus job, side-company...
  6. W

    Competition Software (Registration)!

    Hey, As anyone ever built a site for a home brew comp? Specifically I need to add some online registration software! HELP!!!!!! Cheers,
  7. W

    Possible to treat infected beer?

    I would suggest using a little more sanitizer prior to developing the infection! Sorry for the smart ass remark. I could resist, but I didn't want to. Unfortunately it will not work. The white layer on the top is a 'signal' or symptom, but it signifies a larger issue 'below the surface'...
  8. W

    fermenter question

    Yes it is not an issue just to leave it in primary. There are many well written threads on this topic (even a sticky I believe) I personally do not secondary. The main prupose is clarity. It also can be used to get the beer off the yeast if dry hopping or adding fruit - in this way the yeast...
  9. W

    Chill time versus hop flavor

    That's interesting, as I find the opposite is true for aroma. Meaning I get tonnes of hop aroma when I cool down slowly (but now that I think about it the hop flavour on those beers was less than expected). In the summer months it takes me about 40 minutes. In the winter about 25.
  10. W

    How long to primary a bock?

    Never, ever, transfer off primary until the gravity is constant. Your yeast will still be in there and they will still be active even if you do, but you risk slowing the fermentation or possibly stalling it completely. For what it's worth - In my experience my own lagers need about 3 weeks...
  11. W

    Can I brew 5gal AG batches with my 10gal AG equipment?

    There's no reason you can't ferment in those demijohns. The rest is fine. I make 6 gallon batches in a 15 gallon mash tun - no issues. One issue others might bring up is that there is too much headspace. But that is not really an issue if you consider that many professional brewers use...
  12. W

    2 AG batches-Now What?!

    1. Absolutely. Barring any other issues it should be fine. 2. "Only" 75 isn't a big deal. That's all I get. I get the odd 80 on smaller beers. But anyway, you should hope whatever you get is fairly consistent, as long as it's above 70 you're laughing. I just create my recipes based on 75. The...
  13. W

    saison and added sugar

    Hey guys, I mean this in a nice way, but there is no purpose in debating codified beer styles! It bothers me when people ask “is it ok to put “ingredient X” in my “style X” solely because they get well intentioned but often misleading info. The question we...
  14. W

    Riddle me this Batman...

    Open it up. That will be fine. (you aren't asking if the beer is done, right? You are asking if it will hurt the beer to open it up while the lock is still bubbling? )
  15. W

    saison and added sugar

    This wasn't what I meant to suggest at all. I meant that other adjuncts as described in the OP could be added - but not for competition. Sugar very much the same. It doesn't matter. I personally use it in my Saison to get the right attenuation, but if you don't need to then of course there is...