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  1. V

    What's your profession?

    respiratory therapist
  2. V

    Airating Wort With Diffuser Stone Etc.

    I found a rigid plastic tube at a pet shop about 3 feet long. I just attach the diffuser stone to the rigid with a short piece of flexible tubing and the other end of the rigid to another piece of flexible and hook it up to my 02 regulator. Works very well and it was cheap.
  3. V

    What do you do for a living?

    I'm a respiratory therapist. I suck snot all day. That is why I drink
  4. V

    What do you drive?

    87 Volvo 240 wagon, though it is finally going to be put to rest. Best car I've ever owned
  5. V

    Lost my turkey baster....

    In my just cooled to pitching temp wort. Am I OK from an infection standpoint? Obviously it had been sanitized, but it makes me a bit nervous living in there. I figured leaving it in there was wiser than sticking even my sanitized arm in the wort.
  6. V

    The REAL meaning of "Growler"

    This had so much potential
  7. V

    Whats the best Beer you have had out of a Can?

    Sly Fox's Rte 113 IPA. Perfect balance of hops and malt.
  8. V

    Bottle conditioned IPAs...

    Do you DH in secondary? I read in Sam C's book that Vinnie C suggests that you DH in secondary because the yeast do indeed interfere with the hop aroma.
  9. V

    Beer in a hot garage?

    Thanks for the responses. I want to take this beer along with me to the beach on saturday, but I didn't want to take it if it was skanky.
  10. V

    Beer in a hot garage?

    I gave my FIL a case of a bitter I had made because he likes the more mellow british hops. He told me recently it has been sitting in his garage.. Recently we have had several day of temps in the 80's and 90's. Do you think the beer has suffered much? I really should bring my babies back home...
  11. V

    DFH red & white tastes like #*&$

    Zamiel You're right-the bottle is pretty nice. I see a nice mead resting in there. I do like most DFH beers I have tried, so this is by no means a knock on them. They are still one of my favorite craft breweries.
  12. V

    DFH red & white tastes like #*&$

    Last night I had a bottle of DFH red & white. It took me almost 4 hours to choke it down, and I was struggling at the end. That almost never happens to me with any beer. Am I just odd, or does anyone else feel that way about this beer?
  13. V

    Seasonal rise of my Cellar Temperature

    I've been cellaring beer, this being my second summer and I have the same problem with the temp rising. I haven't noticed my big beers developing any unpleasant flavors. BTW my temp usually gets up to about 70-72 in the dead of summer. My feeling is RDWHAHB.
  14. V

    skeeter pee from a mead slurry?

    Sorry if this has been asked, but I was unable to find anything. I have a cherry mead with an OG of 1.105 ready to move to secondary. I want to make a skeeter pee with the slurry, but I am concerned that the yeast may be too stressed. The yeast is Kv1116. Am I OK to do this or should I just...
  15. V

    Basement Brewing with Turkey Fryer

    Doesn't seem like it's worth it to be featured on "1,000 Ways to Die"