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  1. Rainyn

    Yet another "What is this in my Carboy" thread

    To me, it looks like your mead foamed up a bit during vigorous fermentation while you weren't looking, then settled back down again leaving a trail on the bottle. I had similar...whatever you call it... on the mead carboy of my MAOM and that turned out just fine *hiccup*. It does not look like...
  2. Rainyn

    Malkore's (not so) Ancient Orange Mead

    I wanted to come back and note that I bottled my batch today. It tasted amazing! I let mine sit 2 months, but honestly a tasting at 4 weeks was pretty good. I am happy with my substitution of a grapefruit and an orange instead of three oranges (3 gallon batch).
  3. Rainyn

    Louisiana Hard Lemon Sweet Tea

    Good luck! I'm curious how yours turns out so please do come back and update!
  4. Rainyn

    Progressive backsweetening for 3 different mead types

    Interesting. I have 5 gallons of mead that is going to end up pretty dry and strong also. If you do this, do please come back and let us know how it went. I might do the same.
  5. Rainyn

    Mixed berry mead how does this sound?

    All sounds good but I'd also recommend potassium carbonate. See Hightest's faq's on potassium carbonate addition ( I think he recommends 1 gram per gallon right at the start. Helps lower acidity so your yeast won't get stuck, and...
  6. Rainyn

    Malkore's (not so) Ancient Orange Mead

    Started 3 gallons yesterday, with a few modifications. The benefit of homebrewing is modifying awesome recipes and hoping for improvement. I used a grapefruit and an orange because I love grapefruit. I removed all the pith but still threw the fruit in. I still used some raisins from the...
  7. Rainyn

    48 fruitless hours

    So how's the new batch going!
  8. Rainyn

    Wanting to Contribute to Those That Have Helped Me

    Welcome aboard! I've already seen one of your other helpful posts about small batches and I'm sure you'll have some great contributions with your experience on that.
  9. Rainyn

    Beer going bad in secondary?

    I see you've already been reassured, but if you are still wondering if you have any problems with infection, check out this thread and you will feel much better: That thread gives me the heebeejeebies.
  10. Rainyn

    White labs yheast

    Nice idea!
  11. Rainyn

    Batch of MAOM

    Cool, thanks for coming back to let us know. Did you bottle (and if so how long did it sit in bottle?) or what have you done with it since you last posted?
  12. Rainyn

    48 fruitless hours

    I haven't used that recipe but that site seems to suggest 1 box of raisins. It doesn't say how big of a box but look at the pic and you get an idea. Also I didn't notice before how many cloves you used. Ouch. That's gonna hurt. Do you really like clove? Like 2ndGenBrewer said, maybe you could...
  13. Rainyn

    Convert recipe: 5 gall to 1 gall

    To convert any size to another size: Divide by the amount of the original recipe, in this case, 5 for the 5 gallons Multiply by the amount that you want to make. In this case, 1.2 gallons. Do this conversion for each ingredient. I think the yeast amount usually stays the same.
  14. Rainyn

    48 fruitless hours

    Could you clarify what kind of yeast you used? Is this one gallon of mead? You might need some sort of yeast nutrient. I've heard of people throwing raisins into batches similar to yours for yeast nutrition (unless you happen to have yeast nutrient on-hand, which is probably not the case)...
  15. Rainyn

    Fermentation is done but FG is high?

    Thanks you! I was definitely wondering about the fermentability of the mash ingredients, and their effect on my gravity readings, especially the oatmeal. I had no clue the maltodextrin was unfermentable. Oh, the "dark chocolate" was a burned-looking malt. It colored my beer almost black. Much...