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  1. P

    Small Batch Commercial Brewing

    Cheers, gents! The right time never comes without a little pushing, so I'm going to start moving into making beer for money. Not having capital be damned! But I'm not stupid. I can't do this for free. And I don't particularly want to break the law. I need a commercial kitchen that has an...
  2. P

    Repitching in Secondary

    I'm coming back to brewing after a year off or so. I basically liquidated my brew works when I went on hiatus. I kept the bare minimums to make a batch. So about two weeks ago, I did a Boring Brown Ale. Promash has the recipe starting SG at 1.039. I didn't check because I no longer have a...
  3. P

    Blow off ?

    Professional job, sir. Well done. Mike Holmes himself would approve.
  4. P

    Rhubarb ?

    "It's bitter," so says the Wife. I was thinking a Strawberry-Rhubarb Saison. I don't like adding fruit to boils, generally, so I'd make a pulp in the blender, add pectic and put it in the secondary.
  5. P

    recipes for sour cherry beer

    4.5 Gallons cool water 8 oz. Crushed wheat malt 8 oz. Crushed Munich malt 2 tsp. Gypsum 6.6 lb. Light Malt Extract 1 oz. Northern Brewer hops @ 60 1/2 oz. Fuggles hops @ 20 1/2 oz. Tettnanger hops @ 10 1 tsp. Irish moss @ 10 10 lbs. crushed sour cherries & EITHER 7 lbs. frozen...
  6. P

    Yeast Washing Illustrated

    Nice write-up. Should be a sticky.
  7. P

    Towards a More Sustainable Belgian

    I'm bored with the big beers I've been brewing. What I need is a new beer! Last Saturday I hooked up a fresh keg and had two pints before I realized that I was smashed and had to go take a nap. Anymore, every Saturday when I sit down to brew, I'm twisting around trying to find beers that I...
  8. P

    Bottling from draft or kegs

    Let's say I have a beer on draft and I want to take some to a party. Will the beer retain sufficient carbonation if I stick a 22 under the tap and cap it really fast? Does anyone know what a beer gun is? Why is it so expensive? TIA prez
  9. P

    chambord for priming?

    I'd be careful. I wouldn't prime and flavor with liquer. Too little, no carbonation. Too much, too much flavor. Drink some first. Flavor to taste. My $.02.
  10. P

    4 empty carboys

    Let's get some more ideas rolling here. I need to decide what I'll brew this weekend and next weekend ahead of time. Carbing in the Kegerator: Pale Ale and Hefeweizen Secondary: Brown Ale Primary on Hold: Stout Primary to Secondary: Some kinda Belgian tossed together with currants in it...
  11. P

    Farmhouse / Saison

    I made a Ginger Saison for Memorial Day and it was the hit of the party. Three things that I need to tweak about it: I want a slightly stronger ginger flavor; I want the finish to be more dry, like Fantome Saison, or champagne; I want to add some citrus highlights to it. The beer was great by...
  12. P

    Questions on Secondary

    Yeah, you should put an airlock on it. It may bubble a little after you rack it.
  13. P

    Chocolate beer?

    What about Fuller's London Porter? That's pretty chocolately. It's no longer available where I live, but fully worth it if you can find a place to special order. And there's a clone recipe in the latest BYO 150.
  14. P


    Who knows, dude? I made Evan's recipe for Cinnamon Basil Ale a few months back. The 'cinnamon' part didn't work out at all. It sat in my closet for months while I decided what to do with it: dump or toss. Eventually, I settled on shoving it off on my friend to give to his webdesign office...
  15. P

    Bottle Sanitizing

    I wash bottles out when used and store. On bottling day I fill a bucket with hot water, add sanitizer, submerge and fill the bottles, brush, and rinse in a separate bucket. Then I put them in the microwave for 30 secs. 4 at a time. Bottles too dirty for this process are thrown away. I...