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  1. pirate504

    Glass carboy vs. plastic bucket

    I use buckets for primary (easy cleaning, moving, storing) then will transfer to carboy for secondary (watching for clarity esp with wine making) with beer it goes from bucket to keg more often than not these days, I will run it through a secondary carboy if I were bottling though.
  2. pirate504

    What wood you do?

    Not if you have some of this on hand :D
  3. pirate504

    What wood you do?

    Uh, where did you get buckthorn cubes out of my post? I was asking about alder wood. Anyway, I did a bunch more searching since posting and concluded alder is probably not the way to go ...generally speaking using softwoods isn't going to produce any sort of noteworthy characteristics the way...
  4. pirate504

    What wood you do?

    Me and the neighbor made a few batches of mead back in October and it has developed very nicely judging by the sample bottle he drew out yesterday. He is very much a noob when it comes to brewing in general and I am fairly new to mead making in general, but anyway he was asking about adding...
  5. pirate504

    what kind of DME for yeast starters?

    I make starters for all my beers now because I'm doing 10 or 15 gal batches almost exclusively and I'm a cheap brewer that's not willing to buy 2-3 vials (or smack packs) of new yeast to make my beer. I was using wort at first and only giving it 12 hours to grow( basically overnight), but...
  6. pirate504

    Alaskan Brewer

    Palmer :mug:
  7. pirate504

    Alaskan Brewer

    welcome What part of AK are you in?
  8. pirate504

    Stupid cold weather....

    -16* and clear sky here right now :mad: I think it was about 15 above 3-4 weeks ago when I brewed my last batch. It took a bit longer to boil and I was a bit low on my sparge temp. shiatty efficiency, lost more volume than anticipated due to boiling and had to add water at the end, but the...
  9. pirate504

    Saving a flat beer keg.

    sometimes for whatever reason keg o-rings dont want to seal unless you get a little pressure to seat them properly first. Think of it as your beer has been sitting in a second secondary for three weeks and just force carb it and start drinking :D
  10. pirate504

    Happy Repeal Day!

    :ban::ban::ban: WOOT!!!
  11. pirate504

    You know what I hate?

    I hate threads that get whored so bad that when you click on them for the frist time they are 30 bazillion pages long and since you have sort of a life you only read the first and last page then decide to post some irrelevant crap that only a post whore might understand..... Some large arse...
  12. pirate504

    Paper filters

    sounds like a good way to have a stuck sparge to me ...too fine of a filtration for sparging IMO
  13. pirate504

    Water or Vodka for Airlock?

    water for me ...if my beer cant survive a few drops of water during fermentation do I really want to drink it??? save the vodka for better things:
  14. pirate504

    Beer Fetching Robot. I want one!

    LOL that sort of an idea reminds me of : sounds like someone is posting their ideas past their bed time :D x2 on the g/f or wife fetching the beers in time of need ....delivered with a smile and some enthusiasm ;)
  15. pirate504

    Wort Chiller?

    I made my 25' simply because that happens to be the length of tube they sell that fitted the need, but 25' of 3/8 will cool down a 5 gal batch in roughly 15 minutes depending on your ground water temperature I just upgraded to using keggles and am starting to do 10 gal batches so I'm going...