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  1. O

    How to clean perfectly PET carboy

    The only way I have ever cleaned my better bottles is an overnight soak with a scoop of Oxyclean Free followed by a vigorous rinse. I know they make brushes for better bottles but I've never needed one, no matter how caked on the krausen is.
  2. O

    Oatmeal Stout Yooper's Oatmeal Stout

    Mine's in the mash tun now. It smells awesome! By the way, I was able to get the black barley but was unable to get the Wyeast 1335 so I went with WLP005 British Ale. Unfortunately I wouldn't know the difference between the two since this is the first time I'm brewing this.
  3. O

    Oatmeal Stout Yooper's Oatmeal Stout

    Thanks Yooper! Going to buy the stuff today. I'm hoping my LHBS's website is wrong and they actually have the black barley in the store.
  4. O

    Oatmeal Stout Yooper's Oatmeal Stout

    I am wanting to make this soon but I have a question regarding the black barley, is it the same as black patent malt? That's what my LHBS has but they say use it sparingly less it impart a charred flavor. I'm thinking it probably isn't the same so now the question is, how would you...
  5. O

    Fruit Beer Cherries in the Rain

    Sorry for the lack of updates. I bought a house this summer and it's been non-stop projects ever since. This beer continues to be hit whenever I share it with friends (been miserly with it since I want to let it age). It's nice and sour and almost has a lambic style taste to it. I plan...
  6. O

    Use only the juice from cherries?

    I used 10 pounds of frozen cherries once that I just tossed in right after flameout and kept them in until I racked to secondary. This was in a pale type ale though but I have often thought that it might work well in a stout. My cherry ale turned out very good by the way. So good, I am...
  7. O

    the old dog series, could use quite a bit of help

    I just wanted to say that I support this. :mug: Other than that, I don't have any suggestions, your list is about what I was thinking of doing.
  8. O

    Fruit Additions - why secondary?

    I put the fruit in at flameout once and it turned out so well I got 2nd place (36/50) at a local homebrew competition. :D
  9. O

    Too good to share?

    I know just how you feel. Now that my cherry ale took 2nd place in a local homebrew competition, all my friends want to have some. I might give out one or two but the rest are mine!
  10. O

    Fruit Beer Cherries in the Rain

    Took 2nd place in the Fruit Beer category. I'll post judges comments when I get them.
  11. O

    Fruit Beer Cherries in the Rain

    I'm not a fan of the cherry extract. Like you said it tastes like cough medicine. I definitely recommend real fruit for this recipe.
  12. O

    Fruit Beer Cherries in the Rain

    This brew has been entered in the competition at the 29th Oregon Homebrew Festival. I'll post the judges comments when I get them. :mug:
  13. O

    Three weeks too soon for competition?

    I am entering my first homebrewing competition this year and I am entering a chocolate stout I brewed last year as well as a more recent cherry ale but what I really to enter is a batch I bottled on Friday. To me, it's my best batch yet by far but is three weeks in the bottle too soon to be...
  14. O

    Obey taken out of Kate's Royal Wedding vows, but....

    Pippa is Kate's sister. I didn't watch it but with it being shown again and again on virtually every station you can't help but see some of it and hot brunette's like Pippa catch my eye. Although, I had to ask my wife who she was.
  15. O

    Obey taken out of Kate's Royal Wedding vows, but....

    Pippa was definitely the best part of watching all the media coverage.