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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. mistertinkle

    What is your home brewery's name?

    "Come-Bye Brewing" Herding Border Collies and beer are a big part of our lives, so it just made sense.
  2. mistertinkle

    BIAB basket size

    I've been using a 'Brew-in-a-bag' bag for ~4 years. The straps sewn into it are very strong and I don't see any signs of stress/strain on the bag. I also use a 3/8", 250lbs rated locking ratchet that is more than strong enough to support the bag, and I don't see any signs of it wearing out. I...
  3. mistertinkle

    Corny Keg Corny 5G Cooler Giveaway

    I take my homebrew to friends houses for parties.
  4. mistertinkle

    What's your favorite malster and why?

    I really try to support local maltsters, and I'm lucky to have a couple near by. So, I tend to purchase base grains from either Root Shoot malting or Proximity. For other specialty grains, I'll try to purchase US grains for my miniscule support to reduce shipping impacts from other countries...
  5. mistertinkle

    How Many Gallons Brewed In 2021

    15g amber 10g Vienna lager 5g English Dark Mild 5g APA with HPC-630 hops 5g Rhubarb/Peach blonde 5g Genmaicha Brown Ale 5g Munich Dunkel 5g IPA 11 5-gallon batches = 55 gallons 8124 + 55= 8179
  6. mistertinkle

    Bulk DME source?

    I used RiteBrew for 50# bulk DME. Good prices and quick shipping. I would store the DME in 1 gallon, zip-lock, mylar food bags (~5lb/bag), and then put those bags in Vittles Vaults. The DME didn't turn to rock, but then I live in a dry environment (Colorado). This process might work for...
  7. mistertinkle

    New Product Giveaway🎁 - Inkbird Brewing Heat Mat

    This would be useful to maintain ferm temp for cleanup!
  8. mistertinkle

    How many gallons brewed in 2020

    80g brewed in 2020 15g IPA 15g Amber 10g Brown ale 10g Munich Dunkel 5g Vienna 5g Stout 5g Porter 5g Sorghum 'Blonde' 5g Pale Ale 5g Barleywine 8333.5 + 80 = 8413.5
  9. mistertinkle

    New post a picture of your pint

    Finished my last bottle of a 26 year old Mesquite mead last night. It was sweet, golden, nectar! I wish I hadn't lost the recipe.
  10. mistertinkle

    Thoughts on using vanilla extract for cream ale?

    I've found that using high quality real vanilla extract is less expensive and provides better consistency than using real vanilla beans or making my own vanilla tinctures. But you need to find a quality vanilla extract. I purchase mine from a local spice shop. It is MUCH better than the...
  11. mistertinkle

    Coffee Cream Ale

    I don't feel that roasted coffee needs to be sanitized before adding it to the fermenter. pH in the fermenter is already fairly low, and as I understand it coffee is roasted at 350F+, so if it is fresh and unopened I don't think it presents a high risk of infection. There is a higher risk of...
  12. mistertinkle

    Coffee Cream Ale

    I use whole beans; not cracked or ground. I think that an espresso roast would work well in a dry stout, but then I like espresso roast. I suggest reading the coffee roaster's notes about the bean if available. Look for one that has comments that specifically mention chocolate character...
  13. mistertinkle

    Coffee Cream Ale

    I realize that you have probably already brewed your cream ale and it is in the fermenter. However, you can definitely add the coffee later. A couple options are to cold brew some coffee and add it to your cream ale after fermentation is complete. If you are kegging, you can add a little...