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  1. JordanKnudson

    Imperial Brown w/ Cherries

    Agreed with the above. Cherries won't sweeten your beer, it is just easy to imagine it that way because they are sweet when we eat them. However, the sugar ferments away. In fact, cherries often have a very different impact in beer. Since they are a subacid fruit (they have an avg pH range...
  2. JordanKnudson

    Need your recommendations!

    Everybody, quick! I’m in Boston for a few days, and I’m headed over to Trillium right now. I know their reputation but have never had their beer — what is not-to-be-missed? Also, what other recommendations would you make for Boston in general, beer or otherwise? I can’t travel outside of...
  3. JordanKnudson

    Fermentation question

    I had a couple thoughts when I saw the progress of your gravity. There are many variables that could be at play, so I'm going to throw a few questions/ideas at the wall, just to see if any make sense to you based on how this brew has gone. -For the first couple days in the fermentor, the yeast...
  4. JordanKnudson

    Fermentation Time

    I am into your spirit of "adventurousness meets caution" as far as how you are treating your beer (you know enough to be cognisant of oxidation when adding dry hops, yet you hear about cold crashing and immediately say, "go on"). It's awesome. If I can humbly make a suggestion, I'd forget about...
  5. JordanKnudson

    Fermentation Time

    A diacetyl rest is really just an "as needed" step. Some yeasts produce more diacetyl than others during fermentation (think Ringwood, Irish Ale yeast, some lager strains, etc) and may require an extra day or two at the tail end of fermentation. At ale temps, this is basically a non-issue with...
  6. JordanKnudson

    Lager: hazy when cold, clear when warm

    I agree that 1) lagering as cold as possible for as long as you can (within reason, of course); 2) using gelatin after cold crashing; and/or 3) filtration; would all help with the issue. If it's already carbonated, then you are stuck with just waiting around for awhile until it's had time to...
  7. JordanKnudson


    Plastic-y is usually a sign of chlorine/chloramine in your brewing water. Municipalities generally use one or the other to treat their tap water, and if you use water containing either one without removing it, that plastic taste/aroma will show up in your final beer. Since you seem to be only...
  8. JordanKnudson

    you still use hops in your beer?

    Aw man, he had nothing! That's disappointing. Don't you know your [t]role here? You're the main act, Jack! The rest of us are just the sideshow. When it's your turn, you're supposed to be ready to DELIVAH!!! A false prophet of true beer™...
  9. JordanKnudson

    IPA burnout

    I pray one of them is not their chocolate cherry bock. God forbid. I hated that beer.
  10. JordanKnudson

    Fermentation ended...And restarted?!

    Just a random suggestion--do your chilling in the reverse order of what you described. The cold water from the fridge will be more helpful at the end of chilling, when coaxing the temperature down becomes slower and more difficult, rather than at the beginning when the temperature is so high...
  11. JordanKnudson

    53 gal cider barrel

    Add cider yeast as opposed to what? With that amount of cider at stake, I would absolutely not take the chance on spontaneous fermentation. You could easily end up with nearly 2 barrels' worth of undrinkable funk if you just leave it to the wild microbes. (You could also get lucky, but the...
  12. JordanKnudson

    Is Wyeast 2206 really slow?!?

    Man, you had me going! :p I was just sitting there imagining the OG on a beer like that. I actually did the math after that last comment. Assuming you somehow actually managed to coax a full fermentation from this yeast at its average listed attenuation, that would be upwards of a 1.350 OG! Lol...
  13. JordanKnudson

    Is Wyeast 2206 really slow?!?

    It finished at 1.086?! Samischlaus, Dark Lord, even 120 minute IPA, no beer I've ever heard of finishes that high...
  14. JordanKnudson

    Why would my beer cause headaches?

    Yup, as mentioned, sounds like fusels. Nasty stuff, produces quite a mean headache. These are generally produced when the fermentation temperature (and/or pitching temp) is not properly controlled. Sounds like you are able to have one without issue, so maybe just limit your intake as you...