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  1. Holy_Grail_Reference

    2.5 Gallon ball lock kegs

    In Orlando, Florida. Really want a local pickup (say anywhere between Tampa to Jax). Let me know if you are selling because I am buying.
  2. Holy_Grail_Reference

    Help me fix this batch

    I concur with Island, the equal parts Maris and 2-row will give you that bread flavor. Next batch I would lean a bit more on the US 2-row side as that will generally give you the sugars that you are looking for while allowing the Maris to back off a bit on the malty taste. As far as the haze...
  3. Holy_Grail_Reference

    Florida Mash and boil + MORE!

    Going to give ya a bump bump. I have a Mash and Boil and I am considering another one. It is a fine little system for making low Lbs 5 gallon batches or heavy lbs 2-3 gallon batches. I like the modified ball valve as well, good choice!
  4. Holy_Grail_Reference

    Lacto dropped the PH far too low

    I think I may make another non-lacto batch and just 50 50 blend next week sometime
  5. Holy_Grail_Reference

    Lacto dropped the PH far too low

    I do use a digital and I used the 6.5 solution and the 4.0 solution. I too thought it was an issue with the meter but it has never failed me before. I am in the boil now so I suppose I can take another reading at the end.
  6. Holy_Grail_Reference

    Lacto dropped the PH far too low

    Lacto dropped the PH in my kettle to 2.6 after it got away from me. I am heating to kill but can I add anything to take away a bit of the sour without it tasting chemically? I am currently a foot and a half away, the kettle is covered with a lid, and I am getting the occasional sour smell. Will...
  7. Holy_Grail_Reference

    3-in-1 CO2 tool for Racking, Bottling, and Kegging exist?

    I agree that I love the beer gun, but with enough patience you can troll craiglist and find people selling Corny kegs on the cheap. Get yourself 3-4 Corny kegs and that will allow you to do a closed air transfer. Use a blow off to keep air out (and a spunding if you want to). Transfer from...
  8. Holy_Grail_Reference

    Where to attach pulley

    Mash and Boil Represent!
  9. Holy_Grail_Reference

    Cold Crashing / Mylar Balloon

    I quit facebook 4 years ago. Best thing I ever did!
  10. Holy_Grail_Reference

    New Home Brew Shop Orlando

    We can't wait to see the new place. OHBS has been a staple in the scene for years now. Glad to see you all grow.
  11. Holy_Grail_Reference


    You have just solved an issue that I have been having without knowing. Going to take a 1/6 barrel sanke and add a ball lock at the bottom over the top of the conical and call it a fermenter. Brilliant. You got it goin' OP.
  12. Holy_Grail_Reference

    [FLORIDA] Ball Lock Corny Kegs

    Before I resign myself to purchasing ball lock kegs from a supplier for shipment to me, does anyone in the Central Florida area have any for sale? Willing to drive up to 30 miles for the. I am smack dab in the middle of Orlando.
  13. Holy_Grail_Reference

    First Brew in a Bag attempt and not going as expected.

    Personally (and I have not see it listed here) I always add an amylase enzyme to my BIAB to ensure that any excess starches are converted that the heat of the water does not fully cure.