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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Fortuneteller

    Sabco Brewmagic - why do newbies sell them soon after buying them?

    I think the main difference is that the people who spend time on the forum and/or get involved with DIY projects are more committed to this as a hobby. Sabco bm systems are an easy albeit expensive toy for people who may not realize how much work and dedication go into making (good) beer. They...
  2. Fortuneteller

    Keg to bottle extended time

    +1. I use beirmunchers method though, and it works great. Defiantly chill bottles first. It will save you a lot of hassle.
  3. Fortuneteller

    Identifying local hops

    Along with Paul, I can utilize my patented 52 step identification process, but it will likely take 3 full cycles of the process to confirm. That equals out to 9 oz that you need to send me before Paul's order.
  4. Fortuneteller

    BrewHardware Giveaway!

    include me as well please
  5. Fortuneteller

    Extreme Blowoff (with pictures)

  6. Fortuneteller

    Bro's , im gutted :(

    You're fine.
  7. Fortuneteller

    How long is a yeast cake viable?

    That's good to hear. Thanks for the input.
  8. Fortuneteller

    How long is a yeast cake viable?

    I'm going to wash it for later use. I was mainly concerned with the fact that the cake, while enclosed with an airlock was sitting at the bottom of my empty fermenting bucket exposed to the air inside of the bucket for an extended amount of time. Yeast is my least understood variable and I...
  9. Fortuneteller

    How long is a yeast cake viable?

    Racked my beer to secondary a few days ago with the intentions of washing my yeast that night. I got side tracked and now it's 3 days later. Trub and all were sealed back in bucket with an airlock and have stayed within 65-70 degrees. Is this yeast still viable for reuse? TIA Matt
  10. Fortuneteller

    Portable Co2 kit for corny kegs ...

    It's because you lose a bit of the Co2 that's pressurized in the line upon disconnect. There's not much volume in those cartridges. Mine doesn't have any line on it, just connected directly to the ball lock so it's not that much and I don't worry about it. Plus, I think I lose more volume...
  11. Fortuneteller

    What are you listening to (music!!!) right now? Embarrassing or not... share

    I've been listening non stop to the dead weather over the last few weeks. My favorite Jack White incarnation.
  12. Fortuneteller

    Need help with itunes issue...

    iTunes Match for $25 a year makes life a lot easier. then any Ios devices associated with that account have the ability to sync or not sync whatever you want. Do a search for match. There are a couple good videos that explain it.
  13. Fortuneteller

    Portable Co2 kit for corny kegs ...

    A little clarification to my comment. I didn't mean to disconnect the cartridge. I meant that I learned the hard way to disconnect the gas ball lock and put it in my pocket so I could monitor pressure myself. The gas gun is apparently so mesmerizing to people that everyone wanted to squeeze...
  14. Fortuneteller

    Corny keg mobile serving options...

    Yes, fully manual