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  1. d146895x

    Braumeister efficiency issues

    Have you checked your mash temperature with a thermometer? If your BM was reading off, could give you poor efficiency. I have an BM20 with the early grey controller. Nearly always get over 75% mash efficiency. I wouldn’t worry too much about brewhouse efficiency (calculated) as that will depend...
  2. d146895x

    When do I add campden tablets during all grain Brew?

    I add 1 tablet into my mash and sparge water, the night before i brew (typically 25L & 8L). I use a Braumeister (20 litre) and fill it, and my 8 litre sparge water pot, the night before I brew. I split the single tablet between the 2 vessels. I usually start my brewday at 7am.
  3. d146895x

    GF Lager Recipes

    I came here via an email link, I thought GF was Grainfather 😳
  4. d146895x

    Star San mix ratio...what do you use?

    I only make up 2 litres at a time, 3ml of Starsan to 2000ml of water. It does a whole brewday, then I pour it back into a 2 litre plastic bottle and use it again for bottling approx 2 weeks later. Then I top up my spray bottle and ditch the remainder. I use a 0 to 5 ml measuring cylinder and a...
  5. d146895x

    Gouden Carolus Classic clone

    A follow up to my previous post (almost 10 months ago) in this thread. I never got a reply, so went with a recipe by Todd Dier on another forum; scaled up to my equipment. It came out pretty good, but lacked a bit of sweetness and liquorice/aniseed flavour compared to the commercial original. If...
  6. d146895x

    How long does your brew day take with your electric systems?

    I use a 20litre Braumeister, usually doing 23litre (in the fermenter) batches. I fill the system the night before (and my 8 litre sparge water pot). On brewday I start at 7am (switch on system to start heating) it is usually in the fermenter by 12:00/13:00 depending on mash steps and length of...
  7. d146895x

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    The wort does look quite dark in the fermenter; I punched your ingredients into the Brewfather App and (assuming a 21litre in the fermenter) it comes out as a mid golden EBC 13.6. See attached image for screenshot of Brewfather. Unless it had an excessive long and hard boil or your home brew...
  8. d146895x

    What's the best option to warm up your chestfridge fermentation chamber?

    I use a tubular space heater (40w). They have a built in thermostat which I set on max and let the external temperature controller do the 'controlling'. Built in thermostat on heater may provide some safety backup if main controller went TU. Space Heater UK
  9. d146895x

    Bottle Cost

    I’m in the UK, and have put wanted adds on The last time I did this I got 48 swing top 500ml bottles. Had to clean and remove the labels, small inconvenience really. The donor even gave me 2 full ones, so glad I took a couple of my home brews as a thank you.
  10. d146895x

    Need Yeast Substitute ASAP please!

    It’s so cheap, I keep a couple of sachets of Safale s04 in the fridge, for ‘just in case’ . Also lallemand Nottingham ale yeast would also work. Both dried yeast. I rehydrate as manufacturers instructions, then pitch. Oops, just noticed original post was 2013, doh!
  11. d146895x

    Gouden Carolus Classic clone

    I know this post is from a while ago, but is there any possibility you would be willing to share your Carolus Christmas recipe? One of my favourite Belgian beers, and I would love to have a go at brewing it and bottle for Xmas. Cheers, John