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  1. A

    Brewzilla Gen4 Discussion/Tips Talk

    thanks. i will let people know how it works. btw the heat shield does give a more vigorous boil though
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    Brewzilla Gen4 Discussion/Tips Talk

    yes throttling, no overflow, 100% pump, just bought plate for 35 L. Think I might go with BIAB. Question inside or outside of malt pipe
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    Brewzilla Gen4 Discussion/Tips Talk

    check out home brew network videos on pid hysteresis and temp difference
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    Brewzilla Gen4 Discussion/Tips Talk

    have a hunch2 things are going on. two fine a crush credit card may be too fine 0.75 mm. european credit cards a la David heath are 0.85 mm. I usually mill at 0.85mm, but I had my local brew store mill for me and the use a credit card. second the false bottom gets really warped as its hard to...
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    Brewzilla Gen4 Discussion/Tips Talk

    I'm getting pretty sick of this issue clog pumped that is. It happens more than not. today I had to pour wort halfway through boil to kettle and propane burner which I'm glad we had. Wish kegland would put a real troubleshooting guide together with some good practices. would like to know...
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    Szamatulski books

    Thanks. I suspected as much. So long as its drinkable and I call it a British bitter, American's won't notice. :eek:
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    Szamatulski books

    Thanks. Since I can't remember what Brains tasted like (I now live in the USA but did my undergrad at Cardiff), no clue how close it is. At least my friends like it. I have a lot of Randy Mosher books as well as John Palmer's classic. Guess if I continue to brew obscure english bitters doesn't...
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    Szamatulski books

    I have copies of Clone brews and beer captured and have relied on them for brewing a Brains clone. SW1 clone and am about to try a saison dupont clone. My question is this, they were published a few years ago and many of the malts they mention don't seem to be widely available. Has anyone (or...
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    ESB recipe help

    if you can get a copy of clone brews all the recipes are for extract, partial mash and full grain. I have lent my copy out or I could let you know what they say.
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    How do you pasteurize beer?

    I extract/partial grain on a 5 gallon kettle on the stove. I have an igloo as a hot liquor tank (gift) but you can use another stock pot to heat water. Need a fermenter. Northern brewer sells their big mouth bubbler about $45. Hydrometer a must. bottling bucket with spigot, bags for grains and...
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    How do you pasteurize beer?

    He placed the pint between his lips and leaned against the wall. 'Looks like rain', the barmaid said. 'tastes like it 'n all' a wee big of doggerel for drinkers of mass produced beers
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    How do you pasteurize beer?

    You don't need a wort chiller (though it helps, and I would certainly plan to budget for one) Just get a large tub and fill with ice water, stirring the wort occasionally to aerate it. The small two handed bottle cappers are not that expensive, if you can find a friend who likes to cap bottles...
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    First time bottling

    If wine making teaches you patience, what does mead making teach you....:ghostly:
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    ESB recipe help

    Don't know what your source of water is. I use tap wap treated with campden tablet because we have chloramines in the water. I always have some bottled spring water to top up. Hint always have 1 more gallon on hand than you think you'll need. Fact spring water generally has been RO treated, so...
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    How do you pasteurize beer?

    Drink it quick, so its past your eyes before you know it. I'll get my coat