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  1. Androshen

    Watermelon wine

    In the time it will take to clarify, the yeast will most likely finish up anyway .... Which will most effectively raise the SG - corn sugar or cane sugar?
  2. Androshen

    Questions about cold crashing ...

    How long does it *typically* take to cold crash a 5 gallon carboy of mead? I ask because I have 5 gallons of chocolate mead and the chocolate powder insists on staying in suspension - making the mead VERY cloudy. I started the batch last March and would really like to get it into bottles ...
  3. Androshen

    Aging ...

    I was hoping that some old pros could clear something up for me .... I have had some people tell me (and I found sites that agree with them) that indicate ALOT shorter shelf life for beer and wine than I had thought. For beer I have been told that it goes bad after about 6 months in the bottle...
  4. Androshen

    saving a botched batch ......

    It was a 6 gallon batch .... but the smell and taste is like drinking the molasses straight ....
  5. Androshen

    saving a botched batch ......

    Are you positive? This stuff tastes like drinking straight molasses. I used 16 oz on a 6 gallon batch.
  6. Androshen

    saving a botched batch ......

    I totally hosed a batch of GF homebrew and was hoping to find a way to save it ... Long story short ... the batch called for 8 oz of syrup and 8 oz of molasses, I was short the syrup so used 16 oz of molasses. Baaaaaaaad idea - the stuff is basically undrinkable. What I was wondering was ...
  7. Androshen

    The Lazy Man's GF Beer

    My wife found an awesome pizza crust mix made by Really Great Food Company .... half the family is *not* GF but we *all* enjoy the pizza!
  8. Androshen

    Need some help with 30 lbs of Rhubarb

    I just bottled a batch of Rhubarb .... Here is what I used for the batch: 14 lbs of chopped rhubarb 13 lbs of sugar I put the rhubarb and the sugar into a covered 5 gallon bucket to break down for 24 hours. Then added water to 6 gallons and added 6 campden tablets. 24 hours later .... added...
  9. Androshen

    Calculating ABV

    I'll say!! 131 and 129 are *a long way* from 105!!
  10. Androshen

    Calculating ABV

    I am having problems calculating my ABV ... I had been using the formula (OG - FG) X 105 = ABV but my friend (who are more experienced drinkers) all tell me that the ABV is considerably higher than what I have calculated. I have since checked online and found the following formulas ... also for...
  11. Androshen

    Calculating ABV

    I am having problems calculating my ABV ... I had been using the formula (OG - FG) X 105 = ABV but my friend ( who are more experienced drinkers all tell me that the ABV is considerably higher than what I have calculated. I have since checked online and found the following formulas ... also...
  12. Androshen

    Very Pleased ...

    How does that translate into a 5 gallon recipe? I don't trust myself not to mess it up ...
  13. Androshen

    Very Pleased ...

    Since this turned out so well ... is there any similar recipes that I can try substituting a different fruit for the oranges?
  14. Androshen

    Very Pleased ...

    She does want to make more .... but only joam ... nothing else. She says she sees no point as she likes how it turned out ..... Hopefully the previous batches will mature well and change her mind ... Previously made: regular mead black cherry/concord grape wine rhubarb wine blueberry mead and...
  15. Androshen

    Very Pleased ...

    My swmbo and I tried our first attempt at Joam last night and were **VERY** pleased .... :mug: Only problem is that she now is declaring that this is the only mead that we will be making from this point on .... :( I hope some of the prior batches will help dissuade her when they mature .... ;)