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  1. a6ladd

    Hop Help? Contemplating bulk hop order.

    +1 on your list, I would probably do the same. Willamette is good for a finishing hop for American style ales and with a low AA% you could brew some more mild American styles using it as a bittering hop. I like a Apollo a lot because I LOVE centennial/amarillo.
  2. a6ladd

    The stupidest comment on your beer

    I used to work at a homebrew supply shop/merchandise store and one of the first things people would see when they walked into our store was out immersion wort chillers. The following conversation occurred more times than I would care to count: Individual #1: You guys see this here? Its a...
  3. a6ladd

    The stupidest comment on your beer

    I'm only about halfway through reading this thread but some of the things I have seen are simply beyond belief haha. Last weekend I handed a pint of munich dunkel I had made to my girlfriends friend and her boyfriend to have a taste. The girlfriend tasted it and said she really liked it then...
  4. a6ladd

    Juror pay to good use!

    The Blichmann burner is awesome. A great choice
  5. a6ladd

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    +1 Haha. A great episode. Ill take a warmpuss(sp?)!
  6. a6ladd

    Funny things you've overheard about beer

    I was at a local brewery last having a pint of Tart Lychee by New Belgium, very tasty :rockin:. A guy sitting next to me at the bar began talking with me about some of the beers they had on tap, specifically the one I had in my hand. After trying a sample he turned to his friends and told them...
  7. a6ladd

    Beef in Bourbon Beer?

    God that looks fantastic. I MUST try this.
  8. a6ladd

    How many gallons of Homebrew in 2012?

    +10 blonde ale! 24059
  9. a6ladd

    What I did for beer today

    I'm brewing my first 10 gallon batch on my 'awesome' three tier setup (watch out blichmann). My buddies are all still in bed and I'm about to start the boil. Early bird gets the worm! :tank:
  10. a6ladd

    Cherry Wine

    First time wine maker here, just ordered all my finings from NB. Cant wait to make this batch of wine. Sounds fantastic!
  11. a6ladd

    What are you drinking now?

    Lychee from the Lips of Faith series by New Belgium. Fantastic! :tank:
  12. a6ladd

    Three Word Thread

    Sounds like diacetyal
  13. a6ladd

    Worst brew day ever.

    Switch to a refractometer my friend! The best investment I've ever made, the hyrometer stays hidden away until I need to take a FG reading :)
  14. a6ladd

    Add this to my list...

    I did a VERY similar thing once. Like the idiot that I am I attached a serving line disconnect to my pin lock (no serving line, just the disconnect) and my freshly kegged beer started spraying all over my kitchen. I just stared at it for a very seconds trying desperately to figure out what was...